*In no particular order*
- Ice Climb
- Send a Highline
- Bivy
- A Second Multi-Pitch Climb
- Climb in the Cirques
- Snowboard with Lillie!
- Go Backpacking Again
- Attend a Rodeo
- Go Horseback Riding
- Compete in Slacklining
- Go to Yosemite
- Go To Joshua Tree
- Maybe Attempt a Rope Swing
- Go To Moab
- Mountain Bike in the Mountains
- Randomly Dance Under A Million Stars
Already Done:
- Sit on the Hollywood Sign- (LA P.D. came and yelled from a helicopter)
- Attempted Highlining- Stood and took a couple steps
- Multi-pitch Climbed
- Rocked Climbed in the Wind River Range with a NOLS Course
- Lived in the Wilderness for 3 weeks
- Graduated College
- Got a Job in My Field
- Became a So-Called Professional Slackliner
- Went Skydiving
- Went Surfing
- Did the Flying Trapeze on numerous occasions
- Star Gazed at a Star Filled Sky in the Mountains
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