July 30th, 2012: I made quite a yummy mess of breakfast this morning. Gingerbread and M&M scrambled pancakes. Yes, scrambled… they fell apart, so I just went with it. =-D
Today was a re-ration day. My new tent group for the rest of our time here will be Paige, Lee and Dalton. I’m a little concerned because they are all still young and have bonded a lot with each other. Afraid I’ll be the 4th wheel here. That’s okay at this point though. I’m at the point where this experience is simply amazing and nothing can ruin it for me. But I will definitely miss Chase as we definitely bonded.
Our morning lesson was on how to set appropriate goals. We wrote out 3 and then shared them with the group.
Climb a multi-pitch route with instructors at least once before the end of the trip.
Climb a lead climb at least on top rope with good gear placement at least once by the end of the trip.
Continue to learn and use my climbing and gear placement skills so that I can continue to climb after the trip ends.
Our re-ration hike was downhill which sort of bothered my right knee. Did I tear this one too? Not going to think about it until I get back home. I’m going to hope for the best and use some tiger balm tonight. The re-ration location was next to a lake which of course we decided to swim in while we waited for the horse packers. Also came across a dead animal…all bloated.. the boys poked it with a stick. Haha. I went into the lake with Jack, Kasey and Lee to meet Paige and Lillie. It was cold but not as frigid as the previous lake.
The re-ration went well. The horse packers came in and it was quite a thrill to see them finally! It’s exciting to be a part of everything on this trip including the inventory and division of rationed food and gear, etc. The hike back was rough but I was doing great, but I did notice Paige was at the back and she looked like she was going to cry. I stayed back with her and gave her some positive words and encouraging thoughts to keep her going. She look so defeated and tired trying to keep up with the boys leading the pack at such a quick pace. I thought she should lead so we could take her pace, but she didn’t agree. But I would not leave her at the end all alone, so I stayed with her. She thanked me for it later on. I’m glad she found me to be supportive and kind. Most people at home don’t feel that way about me…. But I swear I am. I just don’t think people take the time to really get to know me and just look at my confidence as being cocky. They get me here though…

We went on another swim session, which I just sat on the shore and watched because it was windy and cold! We hiked back up to camp and Dalton cooked some amazing rice and beans with veggies, cheese, apples and who knows what else! I am supposed to be on the hot seat tonight… so nervous.
So Jared and I now have some lovely jokes. I like to say that he is “gray” with his feedback and information but that he is quite magical on the rock. Wonder where this will go… haha
EEEEEEEKKKKK!!!! (yes, I wrote this in my journal…. I was legitimately excited, no judging okay?) So I am doing the hot seat tomorrow and I found out that Jared is taking Chase and I on a multi-pitch climb tomorrow!!! I am SO excited and SO nervous! Mysterious… what is it going to be like?? The climb is called Haystack, about an hour and 30 minutes away, 5.6-5.7 climb, with 4 pitches with mostly small ledge or hanging belay! We meet at 4:30am in the kitchen, and will be gone most of the day. I CAN’T WAIT!!! So many overwhelming emotions going through me right now. I hope I do well and I hope I know what it is I am doing.

July 31st, 2012: Well last night was interesting. While trying to go to sleep, a prank on my tentmate Lee commenced, leaving me to get very little sleep. But I didn’t get mad, I tried my best to play along and not ruin their good time. (hm.. something I seem to do a lot, sacrifice my need for sleep for other peoples good time… is this good???). Jack sniffed and scratched at our tent pretending to be a bear, Paige and Dalton played it up as they were aware of the prank and Lee FREAKED out. Lee: “where’s the bear spray, oh my god, what do we do?” Me: “it’s outside the tent, what will we do?” (play up the dramatics) Paige and Dalton: “No Lee, don’t go out there to get it, just lay still, don’t move” (while Lee is now kneeling up, hysteria on his face). Jack then laughs….and Lee sprints outside screaming profanities and threats towards him. Quite a night….
Well, I woke up at 4:30am, still very excited! I reikied my knee last night and it was feeling SO good this morning! Had some cereal this morning with Chase and we headed out at 5:00am with Jared. We hiked in the pitch dark with headlamps on for about an hour and 15 minutes over the saddle and into the area where you can see the Cirques (a popular climbing area in the Winds). The stars were absolutely amazing and I found it very difficult to watch where I was walking and still take in the remarkable night sky. It was a bit cold, but the excitement kept me warm and moving. The sun rose as we got to the base of the climb on Haystack. Even though it was pretty much uphill over boulders, my breathing was fine and I plugged along with Jared leading the way and Chase taking the rear. I must have been so focused on the climb that my asthma didn’t even bother me, how wonderful! At the base, Jared reviewed with us what to do and emergency instructions (if anything should happen to him, activate the personal locating beacon to be saved…wow….don’t let anything happen to you JARED!). We put on our shoes and began. I got to go last for the first 2 pitches and clear all the gear Jared placed as the lead. The climb was not difficult for me, but it was absolutely exhilarating and the views were breathtaking. Jared advised us not to look down, but I couldn’t help it. It was astounding! We would get to the anchor, get situated and literally just hang on the side of the wall. I wasn’t afraid at all. I thought I would be a little, but there was no fear. Instead I felt free, strong, proud, love. This was the best feeling I have ever had in my life. From watching the sun rise over the mountains, to looking down over the lakes thousands of feet below, it’s just indescribable.

I cleared the first 2 pitches and belayed Jared from below, while Chase cleared the last 2 pitches (a 5.7 climb at this point) and I belayed Chase from above. Jared was pretty serious at the beginning of the climb. I was kind of worried…. I wanted this to be fun. I know we needed to get going in case bad weather came in and I know that if something is done wrong the consequences were serious, but I was having so much fun. Even though it wasn’t my outwardly loud and energetic type of fun, I was still having the best time and wanted to make sure everyone else was too. I made small jokes and tried to get rid of some of the tension I thought I felt, but of course Jared takes care of this stuff himself. Upon the halfway point, we get up to meet Jared who is now wearing what looks like an old woman’s Christmas vest. I laughed so hard. Karyn: “Jared, where the heck did you get that thing?” Jared: “The dumpster” Of course. He’s that cool. He wore it in celebration, so in order to join him, I showed my stripes (my striped long johns) and whipped out some pig tails. It was a big day!

The cirques behind us on the climb were beautiful. We climbed about 600 feet up above the already towering mountain! It’s amazing how different everything looks from way up here and how different it looks during the day versus the night. We ran short of rope our last pitch.. the look on Chase and my own face must have been hilarious when Jared just kept climbing and the rope kept getting closer to the end. But Jared’s good… he sure knows what he is doing. I’ve never felt so safe in what I previously thought would be extremely dangerous. He definitely has that effect on me. Makes me feel very comfortable and safe, I trust him. When we ran out of rope, he decided that Chase and I would climb the last 30 feet together. Totally made it more epic! Loved every minute of it!

The view from the top was just overwhelming, a 360 view. The plateau across the way was astounding! We all had a great time (I assume) and we had great teamwork and lots of laughing and smiling. Jared told me he picks certain students to do certain climbs because he thinks they will appreciate certain ones. I believe he did a great job on this. I would not have wanted to do this climb with anyone else but Chase and Jared. I appreciated every belay ledge, every second of my time on the mountain with them, every view I observed, every breath that I took, every hand hold and foot placement I made, every piece gear that was placed then removed, every word that was said, and every lesson that was learned on this particular climb. I will never forget it. This will by far be the day I will never forget that I got to spend with the people I will always remember.

We were surprised and rewarded at the top with snickers! One of my favorites! We then hiked around an extremely exposed cliff and decided to try to hike to the actual summit over a ton of boulders. Let’s do it! After hiking up and enjoying once again, the views all around and each other’s company, we began our descent. The descent was VERY exposed at times and in certain places we had to get belayed down via hip belay or just on a guide rope for safety. We made it down safely and after running to the trees for an emergency bathroom break, I joined the gentlemen for some snacks and some more laughs.
Jared: “Hey Karyn… you’re the type of girl that wears pink camo…. Right?”
Karyn: “HAHAHAHA, you’re kidding right????? Me…pink?? I don’t think so. What kind of girl do you take me for????”
For those that know me, you may find this pretty humorous. I am SO not a girly girl, and anything pink kind of scares me. And I live in CT, I’m pretty sure camo is looked down upon there. HAHA This would now be a running joke for the 3 of us.
We carried the gear back to camp and hung out the rest of the day while the others climbed a crag somewhere. Great bonding time! The men wanted to nap, but I was NOT having that. I was so exhilarated from the climb which made me ridiculously antsy. I sat and bounced around while they lounged. When Jared finally either got sick of watching me be antsy or just plain ole felt bad for me, we started to then get a little weird; or me at least. I climbed some baby rocks nearby, made myself a small handstand obstacle course to go through, completed a hatchet throw competition with the men (of course, I won =-P ), attempted acorn bowling which totally backfired, talked about life and made jokes. Chase and Jared picked on me for talking…. And other things. Listen… I talk a lot. I’m SORRY! =-P Then we played a game of contact…longest game ever. Only got through one round. Chase and I may be bonding, but we sure suck at reading each other’s minds. We couldn’t get Jared’s word of VIOLET! C’MON!!!!

The rest of the crew came back late so I made noodles, spinach, sausage and cheese for dinner. Dalton made a peanut butter and chocolate cake which was very yummy! I then went on the hot seat and talked about my life which wasn’t easy. I had gotten away from it, and now I had to talk about it. Paige asked me a question at the end about moving and what would happen to my fraternal organization’s youth program (Polish Falcons of America) and I broke down and cried. I think my cry was a mixture of a lot of things… I had definitely been holding in tears the entire time thus far (happy, proud type of tears), but this cry also held a lot of pain, sadness, and anger towards my family, old friends, and the children I coach. It was pretty embarrassing… but I hope people understood. I’m an open person, not ashamed of where I come from. I got asked a lot of questions (possibly to help me stop my crying). I talked about why I love teaching and my Falcon kids and the feeling of impacting the life of a child. It was an emotional night for me, but I think I needed it.
After my hot seat, Andrew told a funny story and we dispersed for cards or bed.
Tonight I wondered why I am the way I am. Why don’t I have friends in CT, why am I so independent, why do I have the desire to inspire and motivate others, why….? And I think it has a lot to do with growing up. I didn’t want to be like my family members. They didn’t support my decision about stopping college for a while to figure out what I wanted to do and they didn’t help me with college, so I became even more so independent than I had been. Everyone was too concerned with their own issues or gossiping about others, and I’m not into that. I still don’t know what is wrong with me and making/keeping friends. I think it’s because I’m so independent, strong, intimidating, confident….all things that may scare people away or make them think that I don’t need/want them. I will have to think more on this and hope to find clarity. It is so peaceful and beautiful here, and it definitely helps to clear the mind and refocus, recharge and relax. I find that I am learning a lot about myself and who I am here, which I hope can make me an even better person than before.

"You cannot stay on the summit forever; you have to come down again. So why bother in the first place ? Just this: What is above knows what is below, but what is below does not know what is above. One climbs, one sees. One descends, one sees no longer, but one has seen. There is an art of conducting oneself in the lower regions by the memory of what one saw higher up. When one can no longer see, one can at least still know."
-- Rene Daumal