Thursday, May 16, 2013

Will I Ever Be Content?

Have you ever asked yourself if you’re in a place where you are truly happy? Is there such a place? What if I lived somewhere else? What if I was with someone else? What if I were doing something else with my life?

At this point in my life, I am currently fighting off that feeling of becoming content. That word scares me. I have a great job, a place to live, food to eat, and family to visit. But is this it for me? I worry that I am not quite finished exploring and discovering myself and my desires. It’s just too bad we can’t start life with retirement.

Well, I guess I refuse to just settle; at least for now. I’m still young and I think I will get out somewhere and explore all options life has to offer and see what surprises me on the way. You never know what you may like until you try it. So I’ll go try something else for a bit. What my direction in life is….. Well it’s still unknown. But I have options and I am willing to keep looking into them until I find something that fits. I refuse to let my intrigue disappear just yet and I refuse to become comfortable with a mediocre life when I know that somewhere a great life is waiting for me.

I suppose my advice to everyone is to at some point in life, go try something new. Take a job you’re on the fence about. Make a move that scares you. Think of it as an adventure…one you can always change the direction of at any point in time. Go discover who exactly it is you are, what you want, and even what you don’t want. And remember that it’s okay to make a mistake.

But…..i do still fear the question that remains unanswered for me…. Will I ever be content with my life? Or will I forever be a chaser?

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